Joanne Highland is a 500-hour certified yoga and barre fitness teacher. Originally from the central coast of California, she attended the University of Southern California, graduating in 2007 with a degree in music and a minor in health promotion.
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Jagpreet Kaur is a certified yoga instructor/therapist (Ministry of AYUSH, YCB, Govt. of India), nutritionist (from INFS), skilled marketing copywriter, and content writer. She is also an expert in pre-and postnatal care. Jagpreet seamlessly blends her knowledge of nutrition, yoga, and writing with a passion for spirituality that fuels her commitment to wellness, evident in her holistic approach and dedication to meditation.
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Warrior 2 Pose
Key Takeaway
Warrior 2 Pose, or Virabhadrasana II, is a foundational yoga posture that strengthens the body, enhances focus, and embodies the resilience and determination of a warrior.
Alternate name:
Virabhadrasana II
Difficulty level:
Pose category:
Standing Pose
Muscle groups:
Quadriceps (front thigh of the bent leg)
Hamstrings (back thigh of the bent leg)
Gluteus Medius and Maximus (buttocks of the bent leg)
Adductors (inner thigh of both legs)
Calf muscles (both legs)
Ankle joint (both ankles)
Hip flexors (front hip of the straight leg)
Abdominals (core)
Erector Spinae (lower back)
Deltoids (shoulders)
Rotator cuff group (shoulders)
Trapezius (upper back)
Latissimus Dorsi (mid-back)
Triceps and Biceps (arms)
Forearm muscles (arms)
Pectorals (chest)
Physical benefits:
Strengthens lower body, tones upper body, builds balance and concentration.
Therapeutic applications:
Strengthens lower body; improves balance and concentration.
Preparatory poses:
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
High Lunge
Low Lunge
Counterposes that follow well:
Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
Chakras activated:
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Most helpful prop:
Block under front thigh - supports alignment, reduces strain.
One of the most often-used and recognizable asanas in the Hatha and Vinyasa traditions is Warrior 2 pose, or Virabhadrasana II. As a yoga teacher, I use this asana all the time. It can be a dynamic transition in an energetic flow or a powerful stance that grounds your energy and focuses your mind.
This posture is a testament to endurance, mirroring the spirit of its namesake, the heroic soldier Virabhadra. It serves as a cornerstone movement in yoga yet requires careful attention to alignment to practice safely.
There’s so much to discover about this posture — its origins, anatomy, and creative ways to use it. Let’s jump right in!
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Watch our recommended steps for entering, holding, and exiting the pose.
Storytelling Through Asana
When you’re flowing through a Vinyasa class, you might hear the teacher refer to this pose as Virabhadrasana. According to Hindu mythology, Virabhadra was a brave soldier created by Lord Shiva to avenge the death of his beloved wife, Sati. Each position of the Warrior pose series symbolizes a part of Virabhadra’s conquest.
So, when you come into Virabhadrasana, you embody the power and unwavering determination of the distinguished hero himself.
Despite its ancient inspiration, Virabhadrasana is a modern yoga pose that appeared only during the 20th century. Warrior II and its variations gained popularity through the teachings of Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar.
Step-by-Step Guide to Perfecting Warrior 2 Pose
Virabhadrasana is a foundational stance that strengthens and stretches the body. Learning the proper alignment of this asana will build a strong foundation and open up a whole world of possibilities for your yoga sequences.
Prepare Your Stance
Stand in the center of your mat and turn to face sideways.
Separate your feet wide, a bit more than hip distance.
Turn your right foot 90 degrees so your toes point to the short side of your mat.
Spin your left foot in the same direction, about 45 degrees, so your foot is at an angle.
Become Virabhadra
Bend your right knee until it’s directly over your ankle.
Keep your left leg straight and press down through the outer edge of your left foot.
Your hips should remain open, facing the long edge of the mat.
Reach out with both arms until they are parallel to the floor, at shoulder height. Turn your palms to face the floor and spread your fingers wide.
Finally, turn your head to look over your right hand, extending your gaze past your fingers.
Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Then, straighten your right knee. Pivot on your heels to turn your toes toward your left and repeat Virabhadrasana on your second side, with your left knee bent.
Warrior 2 Pose Tips for Beginners
Mastering Virabhadrasana requires strength, stability, and concentration. Follow these alignment cues to help you feel solid in your stance and prevent injury.
Knee Alignment: The front knee should point in the same direction as the toes. If the knee drifts inward, it can lead to discomfort and imbalance. Observe your front knee and press it gently toward the outer edge of your mat.
Balance Your Weight: Be aware of your weight distribution in Virabhadrasana. The back foot anchors you while the front foot bears more weight. Press evenly through each foot’s four corners, lifting the inner arches.
Active Arms and Open Chest: As your arms reach opposite directions, imagine energy radiating outward from your fingertips. Keep your chest lifted, spread your shoulder blades across your upper back, and press your shoulders away from your ears.
Focused Gaze: Use your drishti, or gaze, to maintain balance and concentration. Turn your head to look over the fingers of your front hand, with the focused intensity of Virabhadra preparing for battle.
Breath Awareness: As you settle into position, keep your breath flowing. Use each breath to deepen your concentration and connect your mind with your physical experience.
Health and Fitness Benefits of Warrior 2 Pose
Virabhadrasana II requires full-body engagement. A lot is going on with anatomy and alignment, which also means it provides numerous benefits.
Strengthens Lower Body: This asana is a powerhouse for leg strengthening. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and ankle joint work together to maintain your firm foundation.
Stretches and Engages Hip Flexors: The hip flexors of the extended back leg lengthen while flexing on the other side. Simultaneously stretching and strengthening the hip flexors can alleviate tightness from sitting for long periods of time.
Tones Upper Body: While legs are the foundation of Warrior II, it doesn’t ignore the upper body. Your arms extend outwards with the palms facing down, activating shoulder muscles and toning your arms. Your back muscles and core also engage to keep your arms lifted and torso upright.
Opens Chest and Shoulders: Spreading your arms wide apart opens your chest. This motion improves breathing capacity and can counteract the adverse effects of slouched posture.
Builds Balance and Concentration: Holding Warrior II with your drishti firmly set builds mental focus and encourages breath awareness as your muscles are working.
Regularly practicing this asana builds stamina both physically and mentally. The more you practice, the stronger you’ll get. Over time, you’ll build mental fortitude and become more confident in your abilities.
Preparatory Poses for Virabhadrasana
To prepare for Warrior 2 Pose, a few grounding and leg-strengthening exercises are the way to go. These initial steps are crucial for setting up a stable foundation.
Grounding with Mountain Pose
As the foundation of all standing poses, Tadasana establishes balance and focuses the mind. Stand with your feet slightly separated, pressing evenly through all four corners of each foot. Keep your spine tall, shoulders relaxed, and breathe deeply.
Standing tall as a mountain, you create a connection between you and the earth in preparation for more challenging postures.
Warm Up With Lunges
Lunges are excellent for preparing your legs for Virabhadrasana:
High Lunge: Step one foot back while bending your front knee, keeping it aligned above the ankle. Raise your arms overhead to challenge your balance and lengthen further through the torso.
Low Lunge: Transition from a high lunge by gently lowering the back knee to the ground.
Both lunge variations prepare you for the wide stance of Warrior 2, lengthening the hip flexors and strengthening the front thigh muscles and ankle.
Modifications and Creative Variations of Warrior 2 Pose
Virabhadrasana can be adapted for accessibility or added challenge. Incorporating dynamic arm movement or adjusting leg positions enhances your experience in the asana.
Wall or Chair Support
Using a prop in Virabhadrasana adds extra steadiness. This is helpful for those who need more support as they strengthen their muscles. Adding a prop for modification allows you to maintain correct alignment without worrying about balance, according to your ability.
Wall: Place your back foot against a wall to prevent it from sliding, or turn the other way and press your fingertips into the surface in front of you.
Chair: Pace a chair in front of you and hold on to the back of the chair with your front hand.
Stance Width Adjustment
The width of your stance in Virabhadrasana II can vary for comfort or added difficulty. A wider stance increases the stretch of the hamstrings, adds more load to the quadriceps, and challenges balance, while a narrower one might feel more comfortable.
For beginners, start with a shorter distance between your feet and a less deep bend in the front knee.
Gradually increase the width as you gain strength and flexibility.
You might notice your feet sliding apart if you take a wide stance. To avoid slipping, it’s best to use a high-quality, grippy yoga mat like this one from lululemon.
lululemon’s The Mat 5mm Made With FSC Certified Rubber
Nailing alignment when you’re a beginner practicing at home can be tricky. That’s why I also love this eco-friendly mat from Liforme. It has a uniquely designed “AlignForMe” system with lines to guide proper foot placement in postures like Virabhadrasana.
Liforme Original Yoga Mat – Free Yoga Bag Included - Patented Alignment System, Warrior-like Grip,...
Add dynamic movement by bending and straightening the front leg to strengthen the front knee and quadriceps.
Bend the front knee with your exhale, then straighten it as you inhale.
Ensure that your front knee moves over the toes of the front foot as you bend it.
Sequencing Ideas for an Engaging Flow
Warrior II, or Virabhadrasana II, is a dynamic asana that works perfectly as a transition in many yoga sequences, especially those with standing poses. Integrating this posture into a sequence can enhance concentration, stability, and movement.
Transition From Virabhadrasana I
Moving from Virabhadrasana I to II adds a dynamic element and is a great way to feel the correct hip position.
Begin in Virabhadrasana II as described in the steps above.
To transition, your front knee remains bent while you rotate your hips and torso to face forward.
As you turn, raise your arms overhead, palms facing toward one another. Keep your shoulder blades spread wide, chest open, and space between your shoulders and ears.
Flow back to Virabhadrasana II as you exhale. Repeat the transition a few times, moving with your breath.
Side Body Sequence
Pairing Warrior II with Extended Side Angle and Reverse Warrior creates a powerful side body stretch sequence.
Begin in Warrior II with your right foot in front. As you exhale, move toExtended Side Angle. Bend from your waist over your right leg. Bring your forearm to your front thigh and reach your left arm toward the ceiling. Feel a stretch along the entire left side of your body.
As you inhale, use your abdominal obliques to lift your torso and return to Virabhadrasana II.
Transition to Reverse Warrior with your next exhale: turn your front palm toward the ceiling as you lean back. Allow your left arm to drop slightly, and rest your left hand lightly on your back leg. Open your chest towards the sky and lift your chin slightly, lengthening the right side body.
With your next inhale, return to your starting position in Virabhadrasana II.
Continue flowing with this series of poses, pairing each movement with an inhale or exhale.
Try this side body sequence on your other side, with your left foot forward.
Challenge Balance Further
Up for a serious balance challenge? Try flowing from Virabhadrasana II to Half Moon Pose.
Begin in Warrior II with your right foot forward. Bring your left hand to your hip and reach your right arm further ahead as you bend from your waist.
Shift your weight into your right foot as you bring your right hand to the floor or a block.
Lift off with your left leg and extend it behind you, parallel to the floor. Flex your left foot and engage your thigh muscles.
Finally, extend your left arm toward the ceiling, aligning your shoulders.
Hold Half Moon Pose for 3 to 5 breaths, then return to Virabhadrasana by bending your right knee and returning your left foot to the ground.
In this transition, pay attention to the alignment of your hips. They should remain open and facing the same direction in both poses.
Whether you’re a yoga teacher or a student practicing at home, you can use Virabhadrasana in your sequences in countless creative ways. If you’d prefer to follow along with an online class, you can access many different courses with this Alo Moves free trial.
Warrior 2 Pose is a cornerstone in many styles of yoga, offering a blend of physical strength, stamina, and mental fortitude. By weaving Virabhadrasana II into various sequences, yogis can create dynamic and engaging flows to enhance their practice.
Now that you know the anatomy of the asana and essential alignment cues, you’re ready to try it yourself! Use the inspiration of Shiva’s mighty soldier, Virabhadra, as you step onto your mat and experience the profound impact this pose can have on your wellness journey.
With arms stretched wide and gaze fixed beyond fingertips, Virabhadrasana is a dynamic embodiment of yoga’s ancient wisdom applied through every deliberate breath and movement.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Warrior 2 Pose?
Warrior 2 Pose, or Virabhadrasana II, is a standing yoga posture that strengthens and stretches the leg muscles, ankles, and hip flexors while opening the chest.
What are the main benefits of Virabhadrasana?
This asana can strengthen the glutes and quadriceps, improve balance and stability, increase hip flexibility, and energize the whole body.
What are some preparatory poses for Virabhadrasana 2?
You can warm up with Sun Salutations, open your hips with lunges, and warm up your leg muscles with Goddess or Chair Pose.
What tips should beginners know when attempting Warrior 2 Pose?
Beginners should focus on proper alignment by ensuring their front knee is directly above their ankle and hips are open. They should also engage their core for better balance.
Can I modify Warrior 2 if I have difficulty maintaining it?
Yes, modifications like holding onto a chair for support or reducing the bend in your knee can help you maintain the asana comfortably.
How can I incorporate Warrior 2 into my yoga flow sequence?
You can add Virabhadrasana II to sequences with standing postures, such as Mountain Pose, Extended Side Angle, and Half Moon Pose, to create a dynamic flow that enhances endurance and strength.