Yoga Lunge Pose

yoga lunge

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Gemma Clarke

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Jagpreet Kaur

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Yoga Lunge Pose

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Quick Tip: Mastering the yoga lunge pose enhances leg strength, hip flexibility, and mental focus, serving as a cornerstone for more advanced yoga practices.

Alternate name:Anjaneyasana
Difficulty level:Beginner
Pose category:Kneeling
Muscle groups:Quadriceps (Front Thighs)
Hamstrings (Back Thighs)
Gluteus Maximus (Buttocks)
Hip Flexors (Hips)
Core Muscles (Abdomen)
Adductors (Inner Thighs)
Calves (Back Lower Legs)
Deltoids (Shoulders)
Latissimus Dorsi (Back)
Triceps (Back Upper Arms)
Pectoral Muscles (Chest)
Physical benefits:Improves balance, builds leg strength, enhances hip flexibility.
Therapeutic applications:Relieves low-back pain and tension, reduces stress and anxiety.
Preparatory poses:Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
Counterposes that follow well:Standing or seated forward-bend
Garland pose (Malasana)
Child's pose (Balasana)
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Chakras activated:Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)
Most helpful prop:Manduka Yoga Cork Block - Yoga Prop and Accessory, Good for Travel, Comfortable Edges, Lightweight,...
Yoga blocks under hands - Increases spine length, aids alignment.

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As one of the most commonly practiced yoga poses and fitness exercises, you may assume there is little to know about the humble lunge pose.

However, as a foundational standing pose, the high lunge pose (Anjaneyasana) is vital in building leg strength, improving hip flexibility, and improving self-awareness, all of which will help you in the more challenging asanas.

Read on to learn how to safely practice the yoga lunge pose, the different variations to try, and how to modify it for your unique body.

Prefer video? Here’s one on Yoga Lunge Pose:

Yoga Lunge Pose Benefits

Before we dive into how to do the lunge pose, here are a few key benefits you can expect from practicing this asana:.

    • Builds strength in hamstrings and glutes

    • It relieves low-back pain and tension

    • Improves balance

    • Reduces stress and anxiety

    • Elevates mood

    • Increases awareness of the breath

    • Counteracts long periods of sitting

High Lunge Pose (Crescent Lunge)

High Lunge Pose (Crescent Lunge)

Practicing the high lunge calls for engagement from many major muscle groups and intense mental focus. The pose increases body awareness, from the feet to the fingertips, and helps stress melt away.

How To Do High Lunge: Step-by-Step Instructions

    1. Start in a downward-facing dog pose. Exhale as you step your right foot forward. Check that your front knee is at a 90° angle, directly above your ankle.

    1. Keep the left leg straight, your toes planted. The left heel should be above the ball of the foot, pressing toward the back of your mat.

    1. Place the feet hip-distance apart. Bring your hands to your waist.

    1. Inhale as you lengthen the spine, exhale as you pull in the navel, and squeeze your lower rib cage together.

    1. Squeeze the inner thighs towards each other, press into the front foot, and inhale as you lift the chest upright.

    1. Rotate the left hip forward to align the hips. Tuck the pelvis by engaging your core. You should feel a stretch in the hip flexors and hamstrings.

    1. As you inhale, sweep both arms up and slightly back.

    1. Look up and gently arch the back into a crescent lunge.

    1. Exhale and drop the shoulders away from the ears. Hold the pose for 5 breaths.

    1. To leave the pose, bring your hands back to the floor. Step the right foot back into a downward-facing dog.

If you prefer visual instruction for high lunge, check out this video:

Low Lunge Pose

Low Lunge Pose

The low lunge (Anjaneyasana lunge variation) is a great way to prep for a high lunge. With the back knee on the mat, you’ll feel grounded and supported, helping you sink into a deeper hip flexor stretch.

How To Do Low Lunge: Step-by-Step Instructions

    1. Start in a standing forward bend.

    1. Exhale and step the right foot to the back of your mat. Ensure the left knee is bent to 90° and directly above the ankle.

    1. Bring your back knee down to the mat and rest the top of your right foot on the floor.

    1. Move the left foot and right knee hip distance apart.

    1. Slowly let the hips drop until you feel a gentle stretch in the hip flexor. Tuck the tailbone in and align the hips parallel to the front of your mat.

    1. Exhale as you pull the navel into the spine and squeeze the ribcage together.

    1. Inhale as you press your front foot into the floor and lift your torso upright.

    1. Sweep your arms to the sky, then drop your shoulders away from your ears.

    1. Hold the pose for 5 breaths.

    1. To leave the pose, bring your hands to the floor and step your back foot up to the front of your mat.

If you prefer visual instruction for low lunge, check out this video:

Other Yoga Lunge Pose Variations

Both high and low lunges can be modified to build strength at any skill level.

Arm Variations

Arm Variations

    • Hands or fingertips stay on the floor or yoga blocks.

    • Lift the chest a few inches above the thigh and extend your arms to reach the back of your mat.

    • Hands stay at the waist.

    • Hands in prayer pose

Crescent Pose

In a high or low lunge with your arms extended, increase the challenge by looking up slightly. Then, gently arch the back and drop the hips a few inches into a crescent pose.

Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose

Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose

To add a twist to the lunge:

    1. Lift the torso just high enough over the thigh to bring your hands into a prayer position.

    1. Inhale to lengthen the spine, and exhale as you slowly twist and hook the left elbow over the top of the right thigh.

    1. Gently press the elbow into the thigh to deepen the twist while the hands stay connected to the heart.

If you’re not quite ready to go hands-free…

    1. Bring your left hand to the floor or a yoga block directly under your shoulder.

    1. Slowly extend the right arm up to the ceiling.

    1. Looking down at the ground or a still focal point over the right knee can also increase stability in this standing twist.

Lunge with Side Stretch

Adding a side stretch will lengthen the psoas to counteract back pain from sitting at work all day.

    1. In a low lunge (arms high and left knee forward), drop the left fingertips to the floor as you bend the waist to the left.

    1. Reach the right fingertips up and over the head, towards the left.

    1. Release the head towards the left shoulder and breathe into this deep oblique stretch.

Yoga Lunge Pose: Common Mistakes

Yoga Lunge Pose: Common Mistakes

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure the lunge pose leaves you feeling reinvigorated.

Mistake 1: Bending the knee in front of the ankle

You may see your knee come over your foot or toes when you step into a lunge. This puts too much stress on the knee joint.

How to fix it: Inch the front foot forward or drive the back heel toward the back of your mat. Moving your body backward will transfer the load to the leg muscles.

Tip: It’s easier to align the knee and ankle while your hands are still on the floor. Recheck the knee alignment after you lift your torso.

Mistake 2: Compressing the low back

Reaching the arms up before your pelvis is tilted in a neutral position could cause compression and pain in the lower back.

How to fix it: Engage the core muscles to bring the pelvis forward into neutral alignment. Also, shift the hip flexor of the back leg forward to align your hips.

Tip: Lower your hands to the hip sockets to feel when they tilt forward and are parallel to the front of your mat.

Mistake 3: Shoulders up to the ears

As you raise your arms, the shoulders may follow, reaching towards your ears. Dropping the shoulders can help to release and prevent stress and tension in the upper body.

How to fix it: With fingertips reaching to the sky, press the shoulders down away from your ears.

Tip: Imagine your shoulder blades sliding down your back and towards your body’s midline.

Yoga Lunge Pose Modifications

Yoga Lunge Pose Modifications

Modifications and props can help you feel stable as you build strength and flexibility.

Padded Low Lunge Pose

If you have sensitive knees, a past knee injury or your mat is not thick enough, you may experience back knee discomfort in a low lunge. A supportive yoga knee pad can diminish aches and pains while you enjoy this wonderful stretch.

Block-Supported Yoga Lunge Pose

Placing yoga blocks beneath your hands creates space under the torso to lengthen your spine. They should also make it easier to position your foot and control the load on your hip flexors.

Yoga Lunge Pose Contraindications

If you have any of the following, seek advice from your GP before you practice a yoga lunge pose.

    • Ankle, hip, or knee injuries

    • Herniated or spinal disc injuries

    • Pregnancy (third trimester)

    • Vertigo

Preparatory Poses & Counter Poses

woman doing a lunge pose

These poses will help you prepare for the high lunge pose:

    • Low lunge

    • Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

    • Chair Pose

    • Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

    • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

    • Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)

    • Half splits (Ardha Hanumanasana)

To exit a high lunge, step into a forward bend, then choose 1 or 2 of these poses to diminish any tension in the back, hips, or quads:

    • Standing or seated forward-bend

    • Garland pose (Malasana)

    • Child’s pose (Balasana)

    • Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Final Thoughts on Yoga Lunge Pose

With many modifications, this posture will meet you where you are in your practice. Listen to your body as you practice high lunge and enjoy the lesson it teachers to maintain a sense of grounding and stability both on and off the mat.